Here’s Vadge at the premiere of W.E in London, throwing a not-so-subtle TAKE THAT BEETCH’S! to stache waxers everywhere, while trying to shield her face from anyone who may throw hydrangeas directly at it - this is known to weaken the evil powers she possesses in her silicone sack cheeks.

Bless her for also bringing along publicist Liz Rosenberg, who proved you’re never too old to look like one of the ‘two fat ladies’ (the not dead one) after she raided Mimi’s dress-up box and added DIY eyelids (well, tangerine is the colour of 2012 daaaarlings).
Vadge is SO leaning in while Liz says, “remember not to talk like a pretentious cuntwaffle just because you’re in Lie-cester Squaaaaaare”. And there you were thinking ourladyofpillowcheekplumping speaks with a completely natural British tongue.