So the most annoying crackhead in line at the unemployment office, aka Charlie Sheen, has scored himself another opportunity to talk about the indulgent mess that is his life, in an interview with Life & Style.
If he was thinking his cover headlines would alarm us, er, nope. Try again. They’re actually the words of a very good ham. Provocative and completely disingenuous to the point of trivialising the issues faced by people who REALLY have suicidal tendencies and a genuine mental illness. Who’s fault is it he was fired by sanity, fired by his publicist and fired by Brooke Mueller, HIS. And I don’t have the tolerance of a methadone clinic worker when it comes to crazed rants, so I’m over this already.
Charlie needs to turn off the red siren and just stop. “Winning” is most definitely losing and pretty soon his mess is gonna end with a new job as the guy in the chicken suit.